Ok, Ok, Ok…. Yes, I know, I need to get my butt in gear! After all, it’s been a year and a half since I re-did my website! But, things get busy in the office and in the classrooms! So, the good news is, I am training on a webinar platform (this tech stuff is for the birds…but it has to happen) and I figured out how to upload courses on this website thing. The bad news is, well, they’re still not up! But, they will be in the next few weeks!!
I am designing courses for the main purpose of helping people who want to hang in their own home and get some valuable information on topics around sexuality and relationships and possibly just life “stuff.” They will not be long and boring or super expensive (quite cheap actually)! I am thinking 30 to 45 min depending on how large of files my website platform allows (this shouldn’t be an issue- but who knows?).
The courses will mimic topics taught in my classrooms and in my office so they will be a combination of serious and fun and in true Deb fashion, pretty intense and straight to the point! There will be plenty of things to think about and apply both for your self, your relationship and of course critical thinking is always a good thing! One of the lessons I teach both in office and in the classroom is the art of critical thinking. Think about the what’s, why’s, where’s and when’s often! This is one of the places that growth happens! There may be things that make you feel uncomfortable, and some that make you laugh, but most importantly, you WILL learn A LOT!!
So, my friends, stay tuned and check back in a few weeks from now!